Chinese companies attended the Colombian oil goods and services seminar
Beijing, China. Nine recognized Chinese companies from the oil goods and services sector learned in Beijing about the realm of investment possibilities Colombia has to offer in this industry.
The seminar, which was arranged by PROCOLOMBIA with the support of the Universal World Trade Investment Consulting Corporation (UWTIC), also featured the presentation of the Government's goals in terms of oil investment and production, the legal framework and an introduction and invitation to Ronda Colombia 2012, organized by the National Hydrocarbons Agency (Spanish acronym, AHN).
The attending companies had already expressed their interest in Colombia as a target market and a potential destination for future investments, thanks to the increase in business opportunities that have arisen for Chinese companies in said sector.
There are increasingly a variety of companies, specialists in the sector, traveling to Colombia and aiming to strengthen their commercial ties with the current clients. Similarly, the oil boom and the Government's goals in that field have ranked this industry as one of the main ones for China in terms of investment.
PROCOLOMBIA is working proactively in the sector in order to attract direct foreign investment by potential companies specializing in the field of connected goods and services.