Given the richness of the country in both renewable and conventional natural resources, Colombia has enormous potential for energy generation, making it a priority to deploy a modern regulatory, institutional and market scheme to diversify the energy matrix by expanding the installed capacity of non-extractive foreign direct investment (FDI) sources.
Know the Legal Guide to invest in Renewable Energy
As the Global Champion in the High-Level Dialogue on Energy during the 76th UN General Assembly, Colombia is the fourth global destination for renewable energy investment, according to BloombergNEF's Climatescope 2022. According to the 2050 Energy Plan published by UPME, it is expected that 25% of the energy matrix will come from non-conventional renewable energy sources to meet climate goals.
Read the tax incentives for Renewable Energies
With a plan based on private investment, Colombia aims to remain a leader in clean energy production, as it seeks to reduce emissions by 51% by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, working together with investors who also contribute to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations and the positioning of Colombia as a world power of life.
News of ENERGY

In 2022, Ecopetrol formed alliances with six international companies -Siemens, H2B2, Total Enren, EDF, and Empati - for the development of its hydrogen strategy through 2040. The strategy projects investments of USD 2.5 billion and a production of 1 million tons of green, blue, and white hydrogen.
Promigas also developed a strategic alliance with Sumitomo to advance its portfolio of hydrogen projects.

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PROCOLOMBIA is the entity in charge of promoting Exports, International Tourism, Foreign Direct Investment and the Country Brand, in order to position Colombia in the world. Get to know the national and international network of offices, where you will find comprehensive support and advice.