Colombia has been a member of the WTO since April 30, 1995 and a member of the GATT since October 3, 1981. Therefore, it is obliged to guarantee the transparency of its trade policies and the due application of the WTO Agreements.
The country has been structuring a policy of open economic integration, by virtue of which it has been able to approach an increasing number of foreign markets. Particularly in Latin America, this integration has taken place within the framework of the Andean Community (CAN), the Pacific Alliance and the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI); however, Colombia has treaties with main export markets such as the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and the European Union.

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PROCOLOMBIA is the entity in charge of promoting Exports, International Tourism, Foreign Direct Investment and the Country Brand, in order to position Colombia in the world. Get to know the national and international network of offices, where you will find comprehensive support and advice.