How to invest in Colombia
Colombia’s regulatory framework creates an efficient and organized path to facilitate investment and start operations within a short timeframe. Below, you will find general information on the relevant issues that you should take into consideration when investing in Colombia.
Featured investor tools
- Opportunity Finder:
This tool enables you to connect with new markets, industries, or growth prospects. - Site selection:
Allows foreign investors, multinational companies, and businesses from all sectors to explore regions in Colombia, identify ideal locations, and secure optimal conditions for their investment projects. - Legal guide:
Learn about the main regulations and legislation to establish businesses in Colombia. - Investment Services Directory:
Find allied companies according to your needs.
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PROCOLOMBIA is the entity in charge of promoting Exports, International Tourism, Foreign Direct Investment and the Country Brand, in order to position Colombia in the world. Get to know the national and international network of offices, where you will find comprehensive support and advice.