The investment opportunities in the manufacturing sector in Colombia offer investors a dynamic environment, privileged location, solid figures, and more.
This ecosystem is ready to make business even more fruitful. There are assemblers and manufacturers of automotive parts and accessories that sold 250,497 vehicles locally in 2021, keeping Colombia as the fourth-largest automobile manufacturer in Latin America. The industry in the packaging sector reaches almost 40 billion units sold. Construction materials exports reached their highest value in the last 5 years in 2021, with USD 518 million, a 36% growth compared to 2020. Another opportunity is found in replacing the existing fleet of 1,375 aircraft in Latin America, as according to Airbus figures, the region will need 2,685 new passenger and cargo units between 2018 and 2038.
Colombia is an export platform like few others, with the Atlantic and Pacific oceans bathing its coasts, located in the middle of the time zones of economic centers such as New York or Toronto. We are talking about an ultra-competitive country for the Americas, full of opportunities, and ready to welcome investors.

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PROCOLOMBIA is the entity in charge of promoting Exports, International Tourism, Foreign Direct Investment and the Country Brand, in order to position Colombia in the world. Get to know the national and international network of offices, where you will find comprehensive support and advice.