Portfolio of Investment Opportunities
Portfolio of Investment Opportunities
What is the Investment Opportunity Portfolio?
The Portfolio of Opportunities is a tool created in order to consolidate in the same platform, updated information on projects or companies seeking investment in Colombia and to disseminate this information to international investors and the team of ProColombia abroad.
PROCOLOMBIA is empowered to approve or reject the registration of opportunities on the platform in accordance with the general requirements established by the entity and those particular requirements of each sector.
What are the general requirements to access the Portfolio of Opportunities?
Companies interested in registering their investment opportunity on the platform must meet the following general requirements:
- Legally incorporated company.
- Minimum 2 years of operation in Colombia for companies seeking a Joint Venture or sale of shareholding.
- In the case of projects, their validation will be carried out directly by the ProColombia team, once the company has registered the information.
- The project must be properly structured, the registration of business ideas will NOT be accepted.
- Completely fill out the investment teaser released by the platform once the registration is made. For this, and depending on the sector, the company must be clear about the required amount of investment, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of its project, EBITDA, sales in the last 3 years and , if applicable, percentage (%) stake willing to assign.
Additional requirements by sector
For certain sectors, some additional requirements were defined that will be taken into account when approving or rejecting an opportunity on the platform.
Agroindustry: Investment opportunities will be accepted whose investment requirement is at least USD 200,000
Orange Economy and Information Technology: Investment opportunities will be accepted whose investment ticket is greater than USD 200,000 (equity) pre-series A or series A onwards. Additionally, companies must:
- Have specialized technology-based products or services (Creative Technologies or Information Technologies)
- Companies with a strategy to reach international markets or products already proven in those markets
- Have 100% bilingual representatives
- Have sales growth exceeding 2 digits per year
- Have globally scalable projects with a technology base and highly applicable solutions in global markets
Manufacturing and Chemicals and Life Sciences: Investment opportunities will be accepted whose investment requirement is at least USD 1,000,000
Tourism: Investment opportunities with a minimum investment requirement of USD 5,000,000 will be accepted
Key aspects to consider
PROCOLOMBIA does not undertake to establish any type of business or commercial relationship, nor does it guarantee in any way the commercial relationships that arise between entrepreneurs as a result of this platform.
By providing information about your investment opportunity, you authorize PROCOLOMBIA to handle the personal data that it currently possesses, for the purpose of being delivered to third parties. For its part, PROCOLOMBIA reserves the right to reveal the investor's information, which is subject to its express authorization.
Enter the opportunities portfolio HERE