Dentons Cárdenas & Cárdenas is one of Colombia's largest law firms with more than 100 lawyers and professionals offering clients high-quality legal services and business solutions across Latin America and beyond. Our track record of delivering comprehensive legal services and advice to our clients reaches a legacy of success both on a local and regional scale. Since its combination with Dentons in 2016, Dentons Cárdenas & Cárdenas has achieved not only local notoriety but a global perspective.
Benefit of the presence of Dentons Cárdenas & Cárdenas, part of the largest law firm in the world, which offers tradition, innovation and talent in two of the main markets in the country, Bogotá and Medellín. Bogotá as capital city and economic center of the country, and Medellín as the second largest city of Colombia, and the main industrial city with an economy driven by the textile, financial services, food and beverages, technology infrastructure and commerce sectors. Clients trust Dentons Cárdenas & Cárdenas to deliver because of their long-held reputation for quality and responsiveness. Their clients benefit from Dentons Cárdenas & Cárdenas for being a truly global firm. Whether they have local, regional, or global needs, they benefit from the investment that the firm, the largest in the world, has made in innovation and technology. Dentons Cárdenas & Cárdenas was also the recipient of Chambers and Partners’ Outstanding Client Service Award.
Rely on our team to handle a full portfolio of legal services in: Corporate Law; Tax Law; Labor & Employment; Regulatory; Banking and Finance; Competition and Antitrust; Mergers and Acquisitions; Intellectual Property and Technology; Privacy and Cybersecurity; Litigation and Dispute Resolution; Mining; Energy; Arbitration; Environment and Natural Resources; Public Law; Restructuring, Insolvency and Bankruptcy; and Trusts, Estates and Wealth Preservation.
Main Partners or Professionals
Juanita Acosta, Luz Helena Adarve, Lorena Arámbula, Mauricio Borrero, Bernardo Cardenas, Eduardo Cardenas, Camilo Cortes, Andres Fernandez de Soto, Santiago Gonzalez, Pablo Jaramillo, Ernesto Lopez, Jorge Neher, Hernan Rodriguez, Carmen Sanabria, James Valdiri, Ximena Zuleta, Laura Mateus, Santiago Miramón, Paula Vejarano, Monica Bonnett y Felipe Alarcon.
María Paula Álvarez; Germán Bohórquez; Julián Cardona; Camila Fernández de Soto y Maria Margarita Lorduy.
Practice areas
- Corporate, Mergers and Acquisitions
- Life Sciences and Sanitary Law
- Real Estate and Urban Development
- Regulatory and Compliance
- Technology and Innovation
- Telecommunications and Media
- Wealth and Fiduciary Planning
- Consumer Protection and Personal Data
Languages that the firm supports